Audit Committee
The UC Merced Audit Committee serves in an advisory role to the chancellor and in a fiduciary capacity to the university by providing local oversight and support of the campus internal audit program. The committee assists internal audit in carrying out its mission and maintaining its objectivity and independence. The committee promotes alignment of the goals and objectives of the internal audit program with the needs of the campus in the areas of risk management, control and governance. In fulfilling its advisory role, the committee has overall responsibility for:
- Assisting in the identification of risk to the campus
- Reviewing and recommending to the chancellor for approval an annual audit plan and related services
- Reviewing and approving changes in the annual audit plan
- Reviewing audit results (external and internal), activity reports, the status of corrective actions, and other areas of audit concern
- Engaging in the resolution of trends and systemic issues brought forward by internal audit
- Evaluating the adequacy of resources of internal audit in carrying out its mission with respect to staffing, budget and unrestricted access to information